If you’re not taking your kids abroad because you’re afraid they won’t remember the trip, remind yourself that your memories are just as valuable. – Erika Bud
Your Travel Abroad Memories Are Priceless
So many parents love traveling abroad, but when it comes to traveling with young kids, they choose to wait until their kids are older. They want to make sure their kids are old enough to remember the trip. After all, traveling overseas is often more expensive than traveling domestically, so why waste the money?
My challenge to you, however, is what value do you place on your memories?
Of course, you want your children to remember this magical experience. You can try to look through pictures with them to make sure the trip stays on their mind. But if the kids are too young, even that won’t work. Does that mean you shouldn’t take the family trip abroad? Absolutely not. Why? Because you will remember every piece of it.
How many parents will remember when their child asks them why other people sound different than they do or why it’s so hot when it’s winter back home? These are priceless conversations that you would likely never have unless you traveled abroad with them.
Even if somehow, you don’t have these conversations with your children, what about your child’s expressions? How do you think it would make you feel when you see how excited your children get when they travel on the double-decker bus for the first time? Or how about when they see the Eiffel Tower lit up at night? When you’re traveling to new countries, these types of experiences happen all the time and for most parents, it melts their heart every time.
These are memories you will always have when you take your children to a new country.
So, remember, if you’re not taking your kids abroad because you’re afraid they won’t remember the trip, remind yourself that your memories are just as valuable. Your kids will still learn from the experience since it’s opening their eyes to a new way of life and because of the memorable conversations you’re having with them. Don’t let this be the reason you are not enjoying an overseas travel adventure with your family.
What are your concerns about traveling abroad with your young children? I would love to hear from you! Please post your comments below.
To hear more about family travel abroad experiences, travel tips, and more, listen to the Planes, Trains, & Kids Abroad travel podcast at: https://bigworldpub.com/listen-to-travel-podcast/
Written by: Erika Bud. You can find out more about the author, the Travel Rangers book series, and the travel podcast at: http://bigworldpub.com/