10 Best Countries to Work and Live with Family Abroad

Sydney Harbour with Sydney Harbour bridge in the background

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. – Hellen Keller

10 Best Countries to Work and Live with Family Abroad

Working and living abroad can be an enriching experience. It offers new opportunities for personal and professional growth. The stakes are even higher when you’re relocating with your family. Safety, education, healthcare, and overall quality of life become paramount. You’ll want to find a place where your family feels at home, welcoming you with open arms and making you feel safe and happy.

After all, you’re not just choosing a new home for yourself. But a place where your children can thrive and your family can flourish together.

Here are ten countries that provide great options for working and living with your family.

1. Canada

Canada is a perennial favorite for those seeking a quality life, and it’s easy to see why. With top-notch healthcare, schools, and safe streets, it’s no wonder that cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary are bustling with expat families. The country’s thriving economy and job market are icing on the cake for those looking to build a career and a future.

From hitting the slopes in the Rockies to soaking up the buzz of urban life, there’s something for everyone. And it’s a place where everyone’s welcome. Canadians pride themselves on their multiculturalism. Plus, they’re all about keeping their country beautiful, so you know the incredible landscapes will be around for generations.

Population – 38 million
GDP – $1.64 trillion
Cost of Living – $2,000 – $3,500 per month
Work Opportunities – A robust job market exists, especially in technology, healthcare, and education.

2. Australia

Australia’s strong economy, high-quality healthcare system, and excellent education make it an attractive destination for families. The country’s diverse job market provides financial stability for families. Cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane offer a laid-back lifestyle, beautiful beaches, and a strong sense of community.

The country’s immigration policies also make it relatively easy for skilled workers to relocate with their families. It actively seeks skilled migrants and offers various visa pathways. Australia is one of the countries offering dual citizenship, allowing families to maintain ties to their home country while enjoying the benefits of living.

Population – 26 million
GDP – $1.61 trillion
Cost of Living – $2,500 – $4,000 per month
Work Opportunities – The economy thrives with engineering, manufacturing, and technology opportunities.

3. Germany

Germany’s got it going – a booming economy, fantastic healthcare, and schools that are the envy of the world. If you’re a skilled professional, you’ll find plenty of exciting job opportunities in their thriving industries, setting you up for a comfortable life. And let’s remember the cities! Berlin, Munich, Hamburg.

Each has its unique vibe, plenty of green spaces to unwind in, and a cultural scene that’s always buzzing. These cities aren’t just a pretty face, either. They’re bursting with culture, from museums and art galleries to historic sites and lively festivals. And with reliable public transportation and policies that cater to families.

Population – 84 million
GDP – $4.85 trillion
Cost of Living – $2,000 – $3,500 per month
Work Opportunities – Strong job market in healthcare, mining, and tourism.

4. Sweden

Sweden is the place to be if you’re after that sweet combo of a good life, forward-thinking policies, and stunning scenery. And if you’re thinking of cities, Stockholm and Gothenburg are fantastic choices, boasting great schools, hospitals, and childcare options. It’s no wonder so many families feel right at home here.

It’s known for their love of work-life balance, and it shows. They’ve nailed the art of balancing work and family, from flexible schedules to generous parental leave. It makes it a dream destination for parents who want to be present for their kids while pursuing fulfilling careers. Plus, affordable childcare is readily available.

Population – 10.5 million
GDP – $627 billion
Cost of Living – $2,500 – $4,000 per month
Work Opportunities – Strong economy with engineering, IT, and healthcare opportunities.

5. Switzerland

Switzerland is renowned for its high standard of living, excellent healthcare system, and stunning natural beauty. The country boasts a stable economy with numerous job opportunities in various sectors, ensuring financial security for families. Cities like Zurich, Geneva, and Bern offer families a safe and welcoming environment.

The strong economy and low crime rate make it an attractive destination for expats looking to work and live with their families. Switzerland’s competitive salaries and attractive benefits packages attract skilled professionals worldwide. The country’s emphasis on safety and security ensures a peaceful and stable family environment.

Population – 8.7 million
GDP – $834 billion
Cost of Living – $3,500 – $5,500 per month
Work Opportunities – Diverse job market focusing on finance, technology, and healthcare.

6. New Zealand

New Zealand is known for its pristine natural landscapes, friendly locals, and excellent work-life balance. The country’s commitment to environmental conservation ensures clean air and water, contributing to a healthy lifestyle for families. Cities like Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch boast excellent living standards, healthcare, and education.

Its relaxed pace of life and outdoor lifestyle make it an excellent choice for families looking to settle abroad. New Zealand offers various outdoor activities, from hiking and biking to water sports and skiing, catering to all interests and age groups. The strong sense of community and emphasis on family values create a welcoming and supportive environment.

Population – 5 million
GDP – $242 billion
Cost of Living – $2,500 – $4,000 per month
Work Opportunities – A growing job market is growing, especially in healthcare, agriculture, and tourism.

7. Singapore

Singapore is a bustling city-state known for its modern infrastructure, excellent healthcare, and education systems. The city-state’s cleanliness, safety, and efficiency make it an appealing place for families seeking a high quality of life. Despite the high living costs, its safety, public transport, and multicultural vibe draw expats.

They offer various housing options, from modern apartments to landed properties, catering to different budgets and preferences. The strong economy and business-friendly environment make it an attractive destination for expats. They are making it an attractive destination for expat entrepreneurs and investors.

Population – 5.9 million
GDP – $391 billion
Cost of Living – $3,000 – $5,500 per month
Work Opportunities – Diverse job market focusing on finance, technology, and healthcare.

8. Denmark

Denmark consistently ranks high in quality of life indexes. The country boasts a robust social welfare system that provides comprehensive support to families, ensuring access to quality healthcare, education, and social services. Copenhagen offers a high standard of living with green spaces, culture, and family-friendly amenities.

The city’s canals, colorful houses, and historic architecture create a picturesque and inviting atmosphere. Its emphasis on work-life balance and family-friendly policies make it an ideal choice for expat families. Denmark promotes a healthy work-life balance with shorter working hours, generous paid leave, and flexible working arrangements.

Population – 5.9 million
GDP – $398 billion
Cost of Living – $2,500 – $4,000 per month
Work Opportunities – Strong job market in engineering, IT, and renewable energy sectors.

9. Norway

Norway is known for its stunning natural landscapes, high standard of living, and robust social welfare system. The country’s commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable living creates a clean and healthy family environment. Cities like Oslo, Bergen, and Trondheim offer excellent healthcare, education, and childcare facilities.

These cities also boast a rich cultural heritage with museums, art galleries, theatres, and historical landmarks, providing ample opportunities for cultural enrichment. Its emphasis on outdoor activities, such as hiking, skiing, and fishing, makes it an excellent choice for families seeking a healthy, active lifestyle.

Population – 5.5 million
GDP – $504 billion
Cost of Living – $2,500 – $4,500 per month
Work Opportunities – The economy thrives, focusing on oil and gas, maritime, and technology.

10. Netherlands

The Netherlands is known for its tolerant and liberal culture, excellent healthcare, and education systems. The country’s emphasis on diversity and inclusivity creates a welcoming environment for families from all backgrounds. Cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Utrecht offer a high standard of living, with plenty of green spaces.

The efficient public transport system and emphasis on work-life balance make it an ideal choice for expat families. The extensive network of trains, trams, buses, and cycle paths makes it easy for families to get around without needing a car. The Netherlands prioritizes family time, with generous parental leave policies and flexible working arrangements.

Population – 17.5 million
GDP – $1.02 trillion
Cost of Living – $2,500 – $4,000 per month
Work Opportunities – Strong economy with agriculture, logistics, and technology opportunities.

Wrap Things Up!

These ten countries are a goldmine for families seeking a fulfilling life abroad, soaking up the sun on a pristine beach. You are exploring bustling city streets packed with hidden gems or settling into a warm, welcoming community. Each country offers unique flavours catering to various lifestyles and career aspirations. The world is your playground.

With some planning and a sprinkle of adventure, your dream of living and working abroad can quickly become a reality.

What countries do you think are great for families looking to move abroad? We would love to hear from you! Please post your comments below.

Make travel exciting for children with the Travel Rangers picture book series Available Here

To hear more about family travel abroad experiences, travel tips, and more, listen to the Planes, Trains, & Kids Abroad travel podcast today!

Written by: Cody Williams – Cody is a specialist in crafting engaging articles on a diverse range of topics, including technology, artificial intelligence, relocation, remote work, retirement, and digital marketing.


Embrace, Explore, Go: Essential Tips for a Smooth Family Vacations Overseas

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Having kids is reason to travel, never a reason to stop. – Anonymous

Embrace, Explore, Go: Essential Tips for a Smooth Family Vacations Overseas

Embarking on an international trip with your family can be an exciting-yet-unnerving endeavor. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience, careful planning and preparation are key. This includes everything from checking travel documents to securing your home before departure. By taking care of these details, you can focus on enjoying your journey and creating memorable experiences with your family. Here are some items you should have on your list, brought to you by the kind folks at Big World Publishing, LLC.

Passport Validity: A Crucial First Step

Before dreaming of exotic destinations, check the expiration dates on each family member’s passport. It’s imperative that these crucial travel documents remain valid for at least six months beyond your intended return date. Many countries strictly enforce this six-month rule, and overlooking it can disrupt your travel plans. Additionally, consider the time needed for renewing passports, as this can vary and might take longer than expected.

Navigating Visa Requirements

Each country you plan to visit might have its own set of visa requirements. It’s vital to research these well in advance to avoid any surprises. Applying for visas can sometimes be a time-consuming process, involving detailed paperwork and potentially even visits to embassies or consulates. Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements for each country on your itinerary, including processing times and necessary documents, to ensure a hassle-free entry.

Securing Your Home

As you prepare to explore the world, don’t forget to secure your castle. Lock all doors and windows, set alarms, and inform a trusted neighbor or friend about your absence. Alongside these traditional security measures, investing in smart home technology can offer significant advantages. It allows you to monitor your home remotely and integrate with existing measures like deadbolts and window locks for added peace of mind. By combining the reliability of conventional security practices with the innovation of modern technology, you create a comprehensive safety net for your home. These steps ensure that you can enjoy your travels without worrying about the safety and security of your home.

The Safety Net of Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is not just a piece of paper; it’s your family’s safety net. Investing in a comprehensive policy that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost belongings can save you from unforeseen financial burdens. Moreover, travel insurance can also provide assistance services, like medical referrals and emergency travel arrangements. This peace of mind is invaluable, allowing you to fully enjoy your travels without the worry of what-if scenarios, and ensuring that you are prepared for any unexpected challenges that may arise.

Banking Without Borders

Imagine reaching your dream destination and finding your credit or debit card blocked. To avoid such inconveniences, notify your bank of your travel dates and destinations. This simple step ensures your transactions are smooth and uninterrupted, letting you focus on creating memorable experiences with your family. Additionally, inform your bank about the types of expenses you might incur to prevent fraud alerts for unusual activity.

Staying Connected Safely

While it’s tempting to share your travel joys on social media, doing so can inadvertently signal that your home is unoccupied, potentially attracting thieves. Instead, consider using a free card maker to create fun e-cards. These digital postcards are a personal and safe way to share your adventures with friends and family back home. Plus, it’s a creative way to preserve memories and a thoughtful gesture that your loved ones are sure to appreciate.

Embracing Local Languages

Learning a few key phrases in the local language of your destination is not only practical but also a gesture of respect toward the local culture. Simple phrases like “hello,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” can go a long way in facilitating smoother interactions and enriching your travel experience. It can also help in situations where English might not be widely spoken, and it shows locals that you’re making an effort to engage with their culture.

Tech Readiness: Adapting to Local Electricity

Different countries have different types of electrical outlets and voltages. To keep your electronic devices charged and ready, research the types of outlets used at your destination and pack the appropriate adapters. This small step prevents the inconvenience of being unable to use or charge your devices when you need them most. It’s also advisable to carry a universal travel adapter, which can be a versatile solution for various types of outlets.

Traveling abroad with your family can be one of the most rewarding experiences, filled with learning, bonding, and adventure. Such trips offer a unique opportunity for family members to step out of their comfort zones, experiencing new cultures, languages, and customs together. By following these essential preparation steps, including checking travel documents, understanding visa requirements, and securing comprehensive travel insurance, you can minimize potential stressors and maximize enjoyment. Thorough preparation allows you to navigate different environments confidently, ensuring a smoother and more fulfilling travel experience. The key to a successful family trip lies not just in the destination, but in the journey — and that journey starts with thorough and thoughtful preparation.

What tips do you have for traveling abroad with your family? We would love to hear from you! Please post your comments below.

Make travel exciting for children with the Travel Rangers picture book series Available Here

To hear more about family travel abroad experiences, travel tips, and more, listen to the Planes, Trains, & Kids Abroad travel podcast today!

Written by: Charlene Roth

Nomadic Narratives: Mastering the Digital Work-Life Balance

A nomad I will remain for life, in love with distant and uncharted places. – Isabelle Eberhardt

Nomadic Narratives: Mastering the Digital Work-Life Balance

Imagine a life where your office views constantly change, from serene beaches to bustling city cafes, all while achieving professional success. This is the digital nomad lifestyle, a blend of work and wanderlust. You have the power to make this dream a reality, and this guide is your roadmap to achieving that freedom. Courtesy of Big World Publishing, let’s dive into the essential steps to transition smoothly into a digital nomad life.

Exploring Remote Work Possibilities

Your first step is to explore the vast realm of remote work. Dig into various online platforms where remote jobs are listed, tailoring your search to align with your expertise and interests. Networking plays a crucial role here; connect with others who have carved out a niche in the digital nomad community. Their insights can lead you to unexplored opportunities, opening doors to roles that are a perfect match for your skills and lifestyle aspirations.

Enhancing Skills with Online Education

To thrive in the digital nomad landscape, continuously sharpening your skills is key. With an online degree program in computer science, you can deepen your knowledge in IT and programming. Such education not only boosts your technical prowess but also increases your marketability. This investment in your education will pay dividends, making you a sought-after professional in the remote working world.

Crafting a Compelling Portfolio

Your portfolio is your passport in the digital nomad universe. It should not only display your previous work but also reflect your unique flair and capabilities. A portfolio that speaks volumes about your expertise will set you apart in the competitive remote work marketplace. It’s your visual resume, showcasing your journey, skills, and the value you bring to potential employers or clients.

Navigating the Tax Landscape

When embarking on your digital nomad journey, it’s essential to get your finances in order. Registering for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) streamlines your tax process. It’s a responsible step that signifies your commitment to maintaining a clear, professional financial status while working remotely. This foresight in managing your finances is crucial for sustaining a successful and stress-free digital nomad life.

Packaging Your Services

In the digital nomad world, how you present your services is as important as the services themselves. Craft packages or service offerings that resonate with your target audience. Your focus should be on highlighting the unique advantages you bring, especially the benefits of remote collaboration. This approach will not only attract potential clients but also position you as a valuable asset in the remote work community.

Budgeting for Nomadic Life

A digital nomad’s life is not just about work; it’s a lifestyle choice. Therefore, a realistic assessment of travel and living expenses is crucial. Create a comprehensive budget that includes all aspects of your nomadic life, from accommodation to daily expenses. This financial prudence ensures you enjoy your travels without monetary worries, enabling a truly free and fulfilling nomadic experience.

Planning Accommodations

Before you embark on your journey, meticulous planning of your accommodations is essential. Research various options, from co-living spaces to short-term rentals. Booking in advance gives you peace of mind and stability, allowing you to focus on work and exploration. Well-planned accommodations are the backbone of a successful digital nomad lifestyle, offering you a safe and comfortable haven wherever you go.

 Your transition to a digital nomad lifestyle is an exciting journey toward freedom and professional growth. By following these key strategies, you’re not just preparing for a change in how you work; you’re embracing a new way of living. With the right mindset and preparation, the world becomes your office, and endless possibilities await. Embrace this change, and watch as your career and personal life flourish in ways you never imagined.

What tips do you have for mastering the digital work-life balance? We would love to hear from you! Please post your comments below.

Make travel exciting for children with the Travel Rangers picture book series Available Here

To hear more about family travel abroad experiences, travel tips, and more, listen to the Planes, Trains, & Kids Abroad travel podcast today!

Written by: Linda Robinson

How Short-term Rentals Can Save Cash

Photo by Unsplash

An investment in travel is an investment into yourself – Matthew Karsten


How Travelers Booking Short-Term Rentals Can Save Some Serious Cash

Whether you’re traveling for business, pleasure, or to snap some memorable photos of sunsets on the beach, visiting a new place can be expensive. Over 75 percent of Americans go into debt when they travel (to the tune of $1,108), and this debt can impact your overall financial health. But you don’t have to dig a grave for your credit score to travel.

Many people choose to skip the fancy five-star hotels and book short-term rentals. Whether you’re traveling far away or staying close to home in Atlanta, these fully furnished and equipped apartments and homes can be a financial lifesaver, especially now that apps make finding short-term rentals a cinch. However, the savings don’t have to end there. From Big World Publishing, here are some ways to save some serious dough when you’re traveling and booking short-term rentals.

Scout Out Car Rental Deals

Chances are, you’re not bringing your car with you during your travels — especially if you’re going to another country. Just because you need a car to get around doesn’t mean you have to throw your budget out of the window. Luckily, popular websites make saving money on car rentals easier than ever. You can push your savings if you scout out coupons and stack them together before you rent the car. Some credit cards even offer you special discounts on rentals.

Leverage the Shared Economy

You can rent out short-term rental apartments and vacation homes that are fully furnished, but you’ll probably find a better deal on shared economy apps. Since you’ll be able to deal directly with people who are renting out their spare rooms or homes, you can usually save a ton of dough. Plus, some of the short-term rentals available are way nicer than five-star hotels.

But the shared economy goes far beyond rentals. EatWith connects you with local chefs and dinner parties that can give you the experience of eating out without the massive bill. Apps like Spinlister can help you find local bikes or surfboards without having to spend the dough to buy one outright. And apps like Wag! can find you a dog sitter on the cheap while you’re out of town. That’s just a small list. There are thousands of shared economy apps that let you get products and services at a fraction of the price that some companies charge.

Purchase a Vacation Property

If you find yourself repeatedly visiting the same place, it’s wise to consider investing in a vacation property. This is a great way to save on housing expenses during your vacation while also providing income opportunities when you aren’t using the property. Keep in mind that mortgages for vacation homes can have different requirements.

If you do rent the property, be sure to protect yourself with an appropriate business structure. An LLC is ideal for protecting your personal assets from legal liability. Plus, it offers you tax benefits as well.

Save on Airfare

That short-term rental you found may be amazing and cheap, but you still have to get to it. One of the most expensive components of traveling is airfare. Luckily, there are websites that can help. Places like Priceline can help you find cheap airline tickets. But be careful; there are some shadier websites that claim to offer cheap airfare. It’s not always worth it. Some of them are downright uncomfortable. Also, if you travel a ton, look into frequent flyer miles. Credit cards that offer these may restrict you to using certain airlines, but it’s almost always worth it in the end. And you also get to ride first class, which is always nice.

Flying and staying in new places can be great for your mental health. That said, it’s not always cheap. With these helpful tips, you can save some serious cash during your vacation or business travel. From car rentals to short-term rental apartments and food, there are plenty of ways to be budget-friendly on your next trip.

What travel-saving tips do you have? We would love to hear from you! Please post your comments below.

Make travel exciting for children with the Travel Rangers picture book series Available Here

To hear more about family travel abroad experiences, travel tips, and more, listen to the Planes, Trains, & Kids Abroad travel podcast today!

Written by: Linda Robinson

Your Travel Abroad Memories Are Priceless

Author, Erika Bud's son holding a jellyfish while kayaking in Dingle Bay, Ireland

If you’re not taking your kids abroad because you’re afraid they won’t remember the trip, remind yourself that your memories are just as valuable. – Erika Bud


Your Travel Abroad Memories Are Priceless

So many parents love traveling abroad, but when it comes to traveling with young kids, they choose to wait until their kids are older. They want to make sure their kids are old enough to remember the trip. After all, traveling overseas is often more expensive than traveling domestically, so why waste the money?

My challenge to you, however, is what value do you place on your memories?

Of course, you want your children to remember this magical experience. You can try to look through pictures with them to make sure the trip stays on their mind. But if the kids are too young, even that won’t work. Does that mean you shouldn’t take the family trip abroad? Absolutely not. Why? Because you will remember every piece of it.

How many parents will remember when their child asks them why other people sound different than they do or why it’s so hot when it’s winter back home? These are priceless conversations that you would likely never have unless you traveled abroad with them.

Even if somehow, you don’t have these conversations with your children, what about your child’s expressions? How do you think it would make you feel when you see how excited your children get when they travel on the double-decker bus for the first time? Or how about when they see the Eiffel Tower lit up at night? When you’re traveling to new countries, these types of experiences happen all the time and for most parents, it melts their heart every time. 

These are memories you will always have when you take your children to a new country.

So, remember, if you’re not taking your kids abroad because you’re afraid they won’t remember the trip, remind yourself that your memories are just as valuable. Your kids will still learn from the experience since it’s opening their eyes to a new way of life and because of the memorable conversations you’re having with them. Don’t let this be the reason you are not enjoying an overseas travel adventure with your family.

What are your concerns about traveling abroad with your young children? I would love to hear from you! Please post your comments below.

To hear more about family travel abroad experiences, travel tips, and more, listen to the Planes, Trains, & Kids Abroad travel podcast at:  https://bigworldpub.com/listen-to-travel-podcast/

Written by: Erika Bud. You can find out more about the author, the Travel Rangers book series, and the travel podcast at:  http://bigworldpub.com/

Your Comfortable Bubble

Easter procession in Barcelona

Every time you leave your bubble, you enter someone else’s. The best thing to do is ask questions. Then close your mouth and open your mind. – Kellie McIntyre


Your Comfortable Bubble

It’s not easy for many people to leave their bubble. It’s what you know, it’s safe, it’s comfortable. So why should you push yourself out of your bubble and travel to another country?

Because of everything you’ll experience and learn.

My 9-year-old son and I spent a month in Barcelona. Every day my son would come back to our apartment and write something new that he learned or experienced that day…every day. That’s 30 things he learned about a new culture. This list included everything from the Romans who founded Barcelona, to discovering that on Easter, there are processions where men where colored robes and hoods. As my son walked in the footsteps of the Romans, he will never forget that they founded Barcelona. And he’ll never forget the strangely dressed men during Easter processions. Especially since he was so fascinated that he researched more about them when we returned to our apartment(the hoods are called capirotes and the robes and hoods have great meaning).

Will it be strange to leave your bubble?

Yes, it will, because the world is comprised of different cultures. But just because it’s strange and different, doesn’t mean it’s bad. My mom does not like to leave her bubble at all, but she pushed herself to visit us in Barcelona. To stay within the comforts of her bubble, she wanted to find the exact same foods she eats at home. Yes, she was more comfortable, but the problem was that she missed out. As soon as she left, my son and I ate at several tapas restaurants and thoroughly enjoyed new foods that we would have never imagined if we didn’t try to experience the Spanish culture and its food.

So, push yourself. Step out of your bubble and open your mind to a new culture. Let yourself be surprised by new foods, new architects, and walking the footsteps of ancient Romans from 2,000 years ago.

What are your concerns about traveling abraod and leaving your bubble? I would love to hear from you! Please post your comments below.

To hear more about family travel abroad experiences, travel tips, and more, listen to the Planes, Trains, & Kids Abroad travel podcast at:  https://bigworldpub.com/listen-to-travel-podcast/

Written by: Erika Bud. You can find out more about the author, the Travel Rangers book series, and the travel podcast at:  http://bigworldpub.com/

Cruising the World with Your Child

A mother and daughter are on a ship balcony looking out over the water

“Some cruise lines cater to different passengers. Some are known more as the booze cruises, some as the family cruises, cruises for older passengers, and cruises for those who like luxury.” – Erika Bud


Cruising the World with Your Child

Have you been wondering what it would be like to take your children on an international cruise? Or have you visited countries sailing on a cruise with your family and you think it’s the best thing in the world? Well, you’re not alone. According to a study conducted by AAA earlier this year, over 58 million Americans are considering a cruise in the next two years (Edmonds, 2022). Prior to the pandemic, ocean cruising had been steadily increasing over the last decade with almost 30 million passengers cruising worldwide (Statista Search Department, 2022). If this many people are cruising, there must be something to this method of travel, right?

Why should you consider cruising for your family?

For most families, convenience is what comes to mind when you cruise. If you want to see multiple destinations, you can do that with ease as you only need to unpack once, if at all, since you’re on a moving hotel. Cruises, especially ocean cruises, are also considered to be fairly affordable, when considering other forms of traveling. This has especially been true since the pandemic. While there are cruise lines that are more luxurious than others, and therefore more expensive, there seems to be an option for almost everyone. Entertainment is another consideration. The types of entertainment will vary between cruise lines and drastically when you’re considering ocean vs. river cruises, but the point is that some form of entertainment is available.

Should I choose an ocean cruise or river cruise?

This is an easier question than you may think. If your children are younger than eight years old, stick with ocean cruises. If your children are older than eight, make sure they are entertained by sites, history, and experiences. If your children need constant stimulation and the idea of experiencing new cultures sounds like torture to them, avoid river cruises. Ocean cruises are like amusement parks and a dream for most kids. Parents also get to relax knowing their children are entertained. Entertainment on river cruises is the sites and activities themselves. There is minimal entertainment on the actual ship because most people are too tired from that day’s excursions that relaxing sounds like the best option. Speaking of excursions, on a river cruise, there is usually at least one or two excursions included each day, which is a big difference from ocean cruising. Ocean cruising is more about the ship, while river cruising is more about the destination and experiencing the culture.

Erika Bud on an ox cart with the river cruise ship in the background along the Mekong River
Erika Bud on an ox cart with the river cruise ship in the background along the Mekong River

Don’t forget about the people! This is a big factor for many cruisers. If you like a quieter experience, river cruising is better for you. River cruise ships only hold around 150 passengers, while ocean cruise ships hold on average 3,000 passengers, up to over 6,000 passengers. Now, while this does sound like a lot and you definitely see the people, because the ocean cruise ships are so much bigger than a river cruise ship, you can still find a rather quiet corner of the cruise ship if you would like. As far as the size of the cruise ships, there are advantages to the larger ships vs. the smaller ships. The larger ocean cruise ships can accommodate more room types, food, and entertainment options than a river cruise ship. The advantages of having a smaller river cruise ship are that you can go to smaller, less touristy ports than ocean cruise ships. This means that you get a more intimate, cultural experience at your ports and you’re not battling the extremely busy ports when thousands of people disembark to visit the same places as you.

large slide on the top of an ocean cruise ship
Large slide on the top of an ocean cruise ship

Cruise restrictions

It is common for people to think that cruises are too restricting. It’s true in that you can’t go where you want when you want. You are restricted to the cruise itinerary, and you must be back when the cruise line tells you to be back. This can be frustrating for people who want to spend more time in a particular port. The great thing is that you know your itinerary before you book a cruise. If you want to spend more time in a destination, make sure to pay close attention to your itinerary. Many people choose a cruise that leaves or returns from a city they really want to see and stay for a couple nights in a hotel before or after the cruise. Similarly, if you want to have more or fewer sailing days, take that into consideration when you’re looking at the itinerary. As far as food options, river cruise options are more limited as there is usually only one dinner time. Again, since the experience is more about the destination, the dinners are timed perfectly so almost everyone is ready to eat at the scheduled time. That doesn’t mean the food is not high quality though! With ocean cruises, you are usually only restricted to specific times if you want to eat with everyone. If you don’t care, there are several food options that don’t require eating at a certain time. It is very rare that you ever hear about a person coming back from any cruise complaining about being hungry. Most every passenger gains weight by the end of the trip because of the ample food options.

Keep in mind

Some cruise lines cater to different passengers. Some are known more as booze cruises, some as family cruises, cruises for older passengers, and cruises for those who like luxury. Using a travel agent who specializes in ocean or river cruises will help to ensure you have the experience you are looking for and get to enjoy every aspect of your international family vacation.

What are your concerns about traveling with children on a cruise for your next overseas travel adventure? If you love cruising with your family abroad, what did I miss? I would love to hear from you! Please post your comments below.

To hear more about family travel abroad experiences, travel tips, and more, listen to the Planes, Trains, & Kids Abroad travel podcast at:  https://bigworldpub.com/listen-to-travel-podcast/

Written by: Erika Bud. You can find out more about the author, the Travel Rangers book series, and travel podcast at:  http://bigworldpub.com/


Edmonds, E. 2022. Ship Ahoy: 40% of Americans Just as Likely to Take a Cruise as Before the Pandemic. AAA Newsroom, https://newsroom.aaa.com/2022/03/ship-ahoy-40-of-americans-just-as-likely-to-take-a-cruise-as-before-the-pandemic/

Statista Research Department (2022, July 27) Number of ocean cruise passengers worldwide from 2009 to 2021 [Infographic]. Statista. https://www.statista.com/statistics/385445/number-of-passengers-of-the-cruise-industry-worldwide/


Travel to Ireland – What I Learned From Taking My 8-Year-Old Child

You never know what kids will enjoy, but you undeniably can’t discount the little things. – Erika Bud


Travel to Ireland – What I Learned From Taking My 8-year-old Child

I had always wanted to travel to Ireland with my son. This summer, we were able to enjoy a two-week family vacation in Ireland and Northern Ireland. While I advocate for overseas travel adventures with your children, each time I take my son out of the country, I can’t help but cross my fingers that he enjoys the experience. One thing I have learned is that what you think your child will love is not often what they actually love or will even remember most. When you plan a family trip abroad, as a parent, you really must allow your children to make the trip theirs and not force them to have the trip or memories you want them to have.

Let your children make the trip theirs

What does this mean? As parents, we often want the vacation to be so perfect and so memorable, that we plan out almost everything. Even if we don’t verbally share the plan with everyone on the trip with us, we have a fairly good idea about what we’re going to see or do at a certain destination. One thing you learn when you travel abroad is that children often have different ideas about what they want to see or do. For example, while we were on Inishmore, the largest of the three Aran Islands, we wanted to walk around to see this new town since we were only there for an afternoon. To my son, this was boring. All he wanted to do was walk on the sand by the water, something that he’s done many times before in his own country. This wasn’t what I planned, but it was ok. We decided to do a little bit of both, so we all got to do what we wanted. He was happy, and now when he thinks of this island, he thinks about how much fun he had on the beach. He was making the trip to this island his own, with his own memories.

The surprise that enhanced the trip for my son

One of the best decisions we made on this trip was to bring a digital camera just for my son to use. It was an old, waterproof camera, nothing special. We thought he would use it occasionally, but we could not have hoped it would have enhanced his experience as much as it did. I think it was the fact that again, he was making the trip his own. He was taking pictures of things he wanted to take pictures of, like five pictures of the fat caterpillar he saw in the parking lot. I was worried that he would have a challenging time traveling for hours between destinations, but instead, he took pictures out of the window for most of the drive. It not only enhanced his experience, but it enhanced ours since we didn’t have to hear him complaining during the drive.

You never know what will happen when you’re on vacation

While we were visiting the stunning Kylemore Abbey, a rescue helicopter made a rescue on the mountain across the way. My son thought it was the most exciting thing he had ever seen. It’s one thing to see a rescue on TV or in a picture, but to see this happen in front of him while he was on vacation in Ireland was priceless. He was way more excited over that than he was by the Abbey that many people dream of seeing. It just goes to show you that you never know what will happen when you’re on vacation. My son will always remember that experience (because he took a million pictures with his camera) and where he was when he saw it.

Take chances; they might surprise you

One of the excursions, when we were in Dingle, was to go kayaking in Dingle Bay. My son was excited to go, but I’m not going to lie and say I wasn’t nervous. I wasn’t nervous he would fall out; I was nervous that halfway into the trip, he would get too tired and complain. The last thing I wanted was to be surrounded by amazing scenery, kayaking in the Atlantic Ocean for the first time, and not be able to enjoy it because my son was complaining. This excursion really helped to get that way of thinking out of my head and to start giving my son the benefit of the doubt. He absolutely loved it! When he was tired, we took breaks, which was fine because we needed the break ourselves. He brings up all the time how we were kayaking with jellyfish and how he got to hold one and how he felt like such an adventurer since he got to kayak through caves. I am so glad I took a chance as I know he had one of the best experiences of his life.







It’s the little things

When I take my son to another country, I’m always reminded that it’s often the little things that make the trip fun and memorable for him. Again, what I am excited to see and experience is rarely what he finds exciting. I saw my son’s face light up over things that I would have otherwise forgotten if it weren’t for him. In one of our hotels, you could climb six stories and look down the grand staircase to the bottom. He thought that was so cool and asked us to climb them several times throughout our stay. Another example is when he was having a blast climbing the cannons on the Derry/Londonderry Wall. He had climbed cannons many times throughout his childhood, but these were the coolest cannons because he was in Ireland and on a wall. You never know what kids will enjoy, but you undeniably can’t discount the little things.

What to get a child as a souvenir

I’m a very practical, rather frugal mom. I mean, how else would I afford these family trips abroad? I am not the mom who buys my son whatever he wants whenever we go to a store. This trip to Ireland made me realize that when traveling abroad, I need to relax this a bit. As I said before, I needed to let my son make this his trip, not my trip. While I like to get practical gifts that will provide memories that will last for years to come, my son doesn’t care about that stuff. We wanted to get him a shirt, sweatshirt, or poster…something that would last longer than a few weeks. On this trip, my son asked for a tin whistle and a little box that had a replica of Blarney Castle in it. This gimmicky stuff was not practical to me in the slightest. While I know he will likely lose it and he will lose interest in the whistle soon, I realized I’d rather him love it for a few weeks than wear a t-shirt he couldn’t care less about.

The memories that will always stay with you

As we wrapped up our trip, we all talked about our top three favorite things we saw or did. Hearing that my son could only narrow it down to his top favorite eight things only confirmed how important it is to keep taking him on overseas travel adventures. While we were talking about the Cliffs of Moher or Kylemore Abbey, some of his favorites were rather surprising. They included staying for a night in Abbeyglen Castle, kayaking in the caves in Dingle Bay, visiting Ross Castle, holding a lamb, seeing a rescue helicopter rescuing people, the ferry ride to Inishmore, and Blarney Castle. While his top memories are different from our top memories, those are memories he will always have, and we will always have together.

What did you learn the last time you took a family trip abroad? I would love to hear from you! Please post your comments below.

To hear more about family travel abroad experiences, travel tips, and more, listen to the Planes, Trains, & Kids Abroad travel podcast at:  https://bigworldpub.com/listen-to-travel-podcast/

Written by: Erika Bud. You can find out more about the  author, the Travel Rangers book series, and travel podcast at:  http://bigworldpub.com/


The best way to travel abroad with children

Just like how products and techniques are not the best for every family, when it comes to travel, what works for one family, may be another family’s nightmare. – Erika Bud


The Best Way to Travel Abroad With Children

When considering traveling abroad, what is the best way to travel with children? There are friends and family and even Facebook groups who recommend “the best way to travel with kids.” But before taking their advice, it’s important to remember that every family is different. Most parents remember what it was like when they were pregnant. Everywhere they turned someone was giving them advice on the best products or techniques to use for their child. Travel is no different. Just like how products and techniques are not the best for every family, when it comes to travel, what works for one family, may be another family’s nightmare.

Determining the best way to travel abroad with children

To determine the best way to travel abroad with children, it really depends on one factor: the wants and needs of the adults traveling. Notice the consideration was based on the adults and not the children. Children tend to be adaptable, and if their parents are having a wonderful time, the children are likely going to have the same positive experience. Parents can make it fun for children regardless of the method chosen. Parents also need to remember their wants and needs will change over time and need to be reconsidered when planning each trip. What worked for one family trip abroad may not be the best option for the next trip.

Cost shouldn’t be the deciding factor

While cost is a factor, it is not seen as a determining factor. Traveling abroad as a family is a lifetime dream for so many families. For those who travel abroad with their family more frequently, they are doing so because of the memories and experiences they want to continue to share with their family. Taking this into consideration, families should be conscious of the cost, but if a lower price keeps a family from a fun and memorable experience, it should not be the driving factor in the parent’s decision.

So, what should parents consider with each method when traveling abroad with children?

Individual Family Travel

Visiting family or friends: This option is often seen as the cheapest way to travel abroad with children since accommodation, transportation, and many meals are often provided, but does this option allow for the family to experience the country in the way they want? Can the family go where they want to go and see what they want to see? Is this a once-in-a-lifetime visit where they only have one chance to see and experience their wants and desires or can they compromise because the family plans to visit again and continue to see more of the sites and experiences next time? Experiencing life as a local and truly embracing the culture should also be considered as this method may provide the best opportunity to achieve this.

Plan and conquer: For parents who love to research and plan, this may be the best method for a family trip abroad. This option is often best for families who are good at going with the flow. When planning the logistics, activities, accommodations, etc., it is rare that something unexpected won’t happen. If the family doesn’t let that negatively affect their experience, this can be an affordable option and provide the opportunity for a family to accomplish everything they want to accomplish on their overseas travel adventure.

All-inclusive resorts: All-inclusive resorts are available in practically every country a family could want to experience. This method is great for families who do not need much of a cultural experience but still want to enjoy different scenery and experiences from what they can get in their own country. This is considered more of a vacation than a trip as it is centered more around having fun and relaxing within the resort with an option to experience some cultural activities outside of the resort as desired. The most difficult part about all-inclusive resorts is picking which resort would be best for the family. The amenities and activities at each all-inclusive resort can be quite different, so it’s important to do the research. It’s also important to consider that what a resort says on its website may not be a realistic option (e.g., the amazing spa is booked out months in advance, water slides are too crowded to enjoy, etc.). Facebook groups, friends, and family will be able to provide insight, but it is highly recommended to use a travel agent in this case. A good travel agent will know the best all-inclusive resort for your family’s needs.

Group Family Travel

Cruises: Many children and parents rave about their cruise experience. This is a great method for parents who don’t want to plan how they are getting from point A to point B and want plenty of activities available for the entire family so everyone can have fun. To enjoy a cruise, a family needs to be content with being restricted on the boat while sailing, seeing many of the same people throughout the vacation, and the food options available on the boat. Smaller accommodations can be an issue for some families as well.

Now it’s important to remember there are several types of cruises. Ocean cruises are more about the experience on the boat. Yes, families can enjoy some cultural experiences and activities at each of the ports, but as a lot of time is spent sailing, the ocean cruise lines have tried to think of everything to make sure families can enjoy their time on the ship. River cruises, on the other hand, are more about the cultural experience. The ship is used primarily as a vessel to sleep, eat, and relax, as most of the days are spent on land experiencing the sites and local culture. By the time a family returns to the ship, everyone is often too exhausted to do anything but relax. Ocean cruises also have thousands of people on the boat at one time, while river cruises tend to have less than 200 passengers.

For families considering cruising, this is one method where the children need to be taken into consideration. Most river cruises don’t allow children younger than eight years old, and there are not nearly as many children on a river cruise as on an ocean cruise. Also, because the experience is more about the cultural activities on land instead of on the ship, children can be bored if they do not appreciate cultural activities.

Group tour travel: Similar to a cruise, group travel is a wonderful option for parents who don’t want to plan and want everything taken care of for them. There are many types of group tour travel to consider. Tour companies try to offer options for every family’s needs. From high-end accommodation to hostels. Options are available to stay in one city for the entire vacation all the way up to multiple cities a day and multiple countries in a week. It really depends on what your family wants to accomplish during their family trip abroad. Families can even select how many people they want to travel with as tours can have as few as just your family or a full motorcoach of 40+ people.

There are several pros and cons to group travel to consider.

Pros: Logistics and accommodation are taken care of by the company, often including valet service so you don’t have to worry about taking your luggage to your room. Most options include a tour guide who is responsible for your family’s well-being, will answer any questions (e.g., how to get to a city, where to wash your clothes, etc.), and will help should any emergencies arise. Tours will visit the tourist sites your family wants to see, while still providing your family with alone time to experience the city or sites as a family vs. as a group. Most tours include guides who tell you about the sites and history, so you don’t have to do the research on your own. Families also have the opportunity to bond with other families traveling on the same tour.

Cons: The itineraries might not be exactly what your family wants to experience. While the motorcoaches are usually comfortable, families can spend a lot of time driving between destinations. Tour companies tend to travel to some activities where they get an incentive (e.g., a perfumery or glass blowing lesson, etc.), even though it is not what your family wants to do. For families who want a lot of spare time, it is possible to find a group tour that offers more free time, but the options will be more limited or more expensive.

Digital nomad and worldschooling: A rather new method of traveling abroad with children is to stop traveling on a short-term vacation and live in various countries, worldschooling children and working as a digital nomad. This is an option for families who understand the benefits of experiencing other cultures and learning about other countries. Surprisingly, this option can be very affordable depending on where a family lives, and colleges and universities tend to love worldschoolers, so their education is not negatively impacted if that is the direction they choose. The hardest thing about this option is taking the leap and not being able to see family and friends as easily.

Are there any methods of travel that I missed? How do you prefer to travel abroad with your family? Please post your comments below.

To hear more about life as a digital nomad and worldschooling or to find out more about different travel methods, listen to the Planes, Trains, & Kids Abroad travel podcast at:  https://bigworldpub.com/listen-to-travel-podcast/

Note: While travel agents can be extremely helpful with determining the best all-inclusive resorts, cruises, and group travel companies for a family, they tend to have their favorites so make sure multiple options are given to consider with reasons each option was suggested. The travel agent is not going to risk their reputation suggesting a poor fit for a family though, which is why a travel agent is still recommended. They can often pass on incentives that are not available to the public as well.

Written by: Erika Bud. You can find out more about the  author, the Travel Rangers book series, and travel podcast at:  http://bigworldpub.com/

Traveling the world as a single parent

traveling the world as a single parent

Your child assumes a responsibility as your travel partner. You are not the parent traveling with your child. You’re traveling together. It puts the responsibility on your child, and there’s no shame in this.- Joy Lopez

Traveling the World as a Single Parent

You love going on vacations with your family. Your partner is there to help you, and you couldn’t imagine traveling the world without their help. So, what do you do when the unexpected happens and you divorce or separate from your partner? Do you stop traveling with your children or do you start traveling the world as a single parent?

Determining the best way to travel abroad with children

There are many reasons for single parents to stop traveling with their children. It can be more difficult to be responsible for everything and everyone. It’s much more expensive to travel when you don’t have that second income. It’s easier to lose your patience when you’re the only parent listening to your children complain about doing something they don’t want to do or eating something they don’t want to eat. But with all this being said, what it comes down to is do you believe there is a benefit to traveling the world with your children? If your answer is yes, then you can find a way to make it happen. Your outlook will guide the experience to ensure you and your children have a memorable time.

It’s not easy to transition from family travel to single-parent travel

It is true it’s not the same when you travel with your children as a single parent. You’re reminded by it with everything you do, whether it’s going through TSA, entertaining your children on the flight, or navigating how and what you’re doing at each destination.

“Transitioning from family to single parent is hard because families are what’s traveling. Your feelings of resentment and frustration can start as soon as you start looking.” – Joy Lopez

Joy Lopez, single mother to nine-year-old Wilson, was surprised by the positive aspects of traveling as a single parent as well. In some respects, she felt it was easier because she could do what she wanted on the trip instead of taking her partner’s opinions into consideration. It also made it easier to find dates to travel since she only needed to consider her schedule instead of her partner’s. Joy made a great point by highlighting that when you travel solo with your children, your children focus less on the fact that only one parent is there and focus more on the airplane ride and the new experiences. If you focus on the excitement, your children will be excited. If you wallow or focus on the negative aspects of the change in dynamic, your children will pick up on that negativity as well.

Focus on the positive side of traveling solo with your children

Another positive outcome of traveling as a single parent is that it pushes you out of your comfort zone. If your children want to engage in an activity that normally your partner would participate in, it forces you to step out of your comfort zone to enjoy that new experience with your children. It also forces your child to step up as your travel partner.

“Your child assumes a responsibility as your travel partner. You are not the parent traveling with your child. You’re traveling together. It puts the responsibility on your child, and there’s no shame in this.”  – Joy Lopez

Not only does this help you to stay sane and less overwhelmed, but your child enjoys feeling like the “big boy” or “big girl.” How many times do your children try to do something you think they are too young to do? They do this because they enjoy feeling empowered and love being able to help you and show off their abilities.

Parents are stronger than they realize

There is a lot of strength and courage required to travel as a single parent. The best part is if you focus on the experience for your children, you don’t realize how much strength and courage it’s requiring from you because it’s just something you know you need to do if you want to give your children the experience. When you think about it, as parents, this is what we have been doing since the day our children were born.

As far as the cost, there is no denying this becomes more difficult as a single parent. There are still many ways to make it happen though, so don’t let money be the reason you don’t travel with your children. Get an airline credit card to pay for your flights. Travel with your friends or family so you can share the expenses with them. Consider flying at crazy times or off-season when the cost is lower. As you start to travel, you will meet many great people from around the world. Don’t be afraid to take them up on their offer to visit and stay with them. They can always say no, but what do you have to lose?

Adventures await you and your children

What it all comes down to is the fact that while there are many components that change the dynamic of traveling with your children as a single parent, there are still so many adventures for you and your children available for the taking. Start where you can start and expand from there.

Do you have any other international travel tips for single parents? Are there any benefits to traveling solo with your kids abroad that were missed? Please post your comments below.

To hear more about Joy and Wilson’s overseas travel adventures and international travel tips, listen to them on the Planes, Trains, & Kids Abroad travel podcast at https://bigworldpub.com/listen-to-travel-podcast/

Written by: Erika Bud. You can find out more about the  author, the Travel Rangers book series, and travel podcast at:  http://bigworldpub.com/